Louisiana-Style Cajun Chicken Kaiser Bun

Louisiana-Style Cajun Chicken Kaiser Bun

Serving: 1
Ingredients Preparation

1/4 cup [60 mL] unsalted peanuts
1/2 teaspoon [2.5 mL] sesame seeds
1/4 cup [60 mL] orange juice
1/4 cup [60 mL] barbecue sauce
1 chicken white
1 Cajun-Style kaiser bread
Chili con carne, to taste
Salsa, to taste

Finely chop peanuts and sesame seeds.
Well mix in orange juice and barbecue sauce.
Evenly coat both sides of chicken white with mixture.
Brown into a non-stick frypan over medium heat on both sides turning once until done, no longer pink inside.
Cut chicken white into strips; leave to cool completely.
Toast kaiser bread halves.
Coat inside of bread halves with chili con carne.
Top with cold chicken strips, then with salsa.

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