Holiday Baking Caution - Raisins Poison To Dogs

With Holiday baking season starting, I just wanted to remind dog owners...

RAISINS POISON TO DOGS. Caution to anyone with dogs. Raisins, currants and grapes are poison to dogs and can cause kidney failure. For small dogs, only a few can do damage. It seems like a few raisins or grapes always seem to fall on the floor. I have switched to using dried cranberries in baking, which are okay for dogs. I have 2 Chihuahuas.



Snopes - Raisins and grapes can be harmful to dogs. Raisins and Grapes Harmful to Dogs



Pet MD - Grape and Raisin Toxicity in Dogs

Grape and Raisin Poisoning in Dogs | petMD



Pet Poison Helpline Grapes, raisins, and even currants Poisonous to: Dogs

via Recipe Secrets Forum - Copycat Restaurant Recipes

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