Timothy in the kitchen

Hello! I want to introduce you to an amazing, healthy, fresh, exciting bread recipe i have come up with. I believe you will like the outcome of this. It’s moist, but not as moist as a banana bread.
This recipe consist of flour, oats, allspice, milk, blueberries and it wouldnt be the same, without me adding chopped walnuts in it. I love walnuts alot. You just never can tell what i might add in. The surpurise and anticipation of chef Timothy, what will he come up with next?
Chef Timothy is dedicated to making fun, easy, not hard to learn recipes. He takes the hard work out of it for you. He includes the US measurments and grams, for those who like to measure on a scale for grams.
Another fun way, chef Timothy, wants you to learn, how to cook, how to be creative, and most of all have fun, in your own kitchen.
Enjoy the video post. And like, comments, and share!
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Thank you for your loving support 😀
Chef Timothy

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