Tomato Noodle Soup

Tomato Noodle Soup
add 12 teaspoons [60 mL] chicken soup concentrate instead of 10 teaspoons [50 mL] to each cup [250 mL] water, to get a stronger taste.

Ingredients Preparation

10 cups [2.5 L] strong chicken broth
1 onion, chopped
2 celery stalks, finely chopped
1 clove garlic, finely chopped
1 [48-ounce / 1.4-L] can tomato juice
1 [28-ounce / 796-mL] can tomatoes, chopped
1 teaspoon [5 mL] oregano
1 pinch dry crushed chiles
Salt and pepper, to taste
5 ounces [142 g] large egg noodles

Heat chicken broth into an 18-cup [4.5-L] casserole.
Mix in chopped onion, celery and garlic, tomato juice, chopped tomatoes with juice, oregano and crushed chiles.
Salt, pepper and bring to a boil.
Leave to simmer half covered for 45 minutes, adding egg noodles after 40 minutes.

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