BASKIN AND ROBBINS ICE CREAM CAKE A quick and easy dessert for the upcoming holi

A quick and easy dessert for the upcoming holidays. Be creative and use any cake mix with any flavor ice cream. How about a mint chocolate chip ice cream for the holiday? Or try pumpkin ice cream on a butter cake. French vanilla on a spice cake......the combinations are endless!

1 (18.25 oz.) package chocolate cake mix
1/2 gallon chocolate ice cream, softened

Prepare cake according to package directions; bake in a 9 x1 3 inch baking dish and cool completely.
Use ice cream that comes in a rectangular carton. Remove the carton and, using a piece of string or dental floss, cut the ice cream in half lengthwise (long side to long side) and place the two layers side by side on a piece of waxed paper.

Place the cooled cake over the ice cream. Trim the cake and ice cream so that the edges match.
Place a board or serving platter over the cake, hold onto the waxed paper and board, and flip the ice cream cake over. Remove the waxed paper and smooth out the seam between the ice cream slabs.
Cover with waxed paper and freeze until very firm. Decorate as desired.

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