Woolworth's Fresh Chicken Salad (made from fowl)

Woolworth's Fresh Chicken Salad (made from fowl)

(For 2 lbs 11 ozs of salad)

Boiled Chicken Meat* 1 lb (Cooked per poultry #1)

Chop chicken into small cubes. To the size of 1/4 inch. Do not grind or mince.

Celery (cleaned) 1 lb

Wash and dry celery. Chop into uniform pieces of little less than 1/4 inch square.

Salt 1/4 oz
Pepper 1/2 tsp

Combine chicken, celery and seasonings.

Salad Dressing** 12 ozs

Add salad dressing and mix until evenly distributed.

NOTE: Prepare fresh daily.

* Only solid pieces of chicken are to be used. Skin, gristle, and gizzards are not
to be found in chicken salad. Gizzards and liver are for giblet gravies. Skins are
to be used for croquettes only. If the supply of skins is in excess of croquette
production, such skin is to be thrown out.

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