Homemade Spam

Homemade Spam

Yield: 1 loaf of Spam

2 1/2 pounds cubed pork shoulder, refrigerated or frozen (Choose a piece that’s pretty fatty – fat is a good thing in Spam making.)
3 ounces ham
2 cloves garlic, chopped
1 tablespoon + 1/2 teaspoon Morton’s Tender Quick

Preheat oven to 300 F.
Grind the pork shoulder in a meat grinder (I used a tabletop meat grinder, but the KitchenAid meat grinder attachment would probably have been easier). Set aside.

Finely mince the ham with the garlic in a food processor

Dump the pork shoulder, ham/garlic, and Tender Quick into a large bowl and mix by hand until fully combined.

Pack the meat mixture into a bread pan and cover with foil.
Place the bread pan into a large baking dish filled 3/4 full with water.

Place the baking dish in the oven and bake for three hours (the internal temperature of the Spam should reach 155 F).
Remove from the oven, uncover the bread pan and try not to be too grossed out by all of the fat that has emerged from the meat. Nonchalantly dump all of the fat into a jar or can to dispose of later.

Cover the bread pan loosely with foil and place a heavy weight on top of the foil. I took bricks and put them in another bread pan and put that bread pan on the Spam. You may need to get creative, but I’m sure you can find something in your house that will work.

Place the weighed down Spam into the refrigerator and keep it there overnight.
In the morning, your Spam will be ready to use however you choose to use it. Note: The homemade Spam is not canned, so it will not last forever. Keep it as long as you would keep ham.

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