How to Saute perfect scallops

1. Bay scallops (left on plate) are found mainly along the Eastern Seaboard and are about 1/2 inch in diameter. Although small, this scallop is sweet. It's in season only during fall. Calico scallops, often called bay scallops in the West, are slightly larger but not quite as sweet. Calico scallops are in season from about May to December.

2. Sea scallops run to 11/2 inches in size. Color ranges from light beige to light pink. They are in season from fall to spring. When buying scallops, know the difference between "wet" scallops, which are soaked in tripolyphosphate solution, and "dry" scallops, which are not soaked. Wet scallops appear very shiny and white. The extra water in these scallops causes them to shrink when cooked, and the sweet natural flavor of the scallop is diminished by a slight aftertaste similar to baking soda.

Dry scallops appear firmer and milkier in color. These scallops are usually marked "dry" and retain their moisture during cooking.

3. Scallops can be sauteed, baked, broiled or cooked on the grill as kebabs. To saute sea scallops, heat a skillet on medium-high. Lightly coat the skillet with a half-and-half blend of canola and olive oil. Cook about 30 seconds on each side or until lightly browned. Turn heat to low, and cook for 3-5 minutes.

4. To grill, season scallops with light soy sauce, teriyaki or your favorite seasonings. Soak wood skewers in water for at least 30 minutes and skewer scallops. Grill about 3 minutes on each side. Bay scallops lend themselves to broiling or baking. Lightly season with fresh lemon and herbs or bread crumbs. Sear in a saute pan, then bake in a 350-degree oven for 10-12 minutes.

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