See a person who has not learned

I think critics fall a tad

Watch The Identical Online

Watch The November Man Online last rotten week Only one movie was released last week, and I missed by a country mile. The Identical (Predicted: 39% Actual: 4%) will probably go down as one of the worst, widely-released movies of the year. A 4% with over 50 reviews in the books is abysmal. Honestly, I should have seen this coming considering the release date. Movies that hit the screens around Labor Day are usually a studio bottom feeder and they get buried in the end-of-summer time period because everyone is outside enjoying the sun. And yet I shot a prediction close to the middle and got crushed. I’ll keep it in mind next year.

Watch As Above So Below Online

Watch The Inbetweeners 2 Online Next time around is a huge one with maze running, people leaving, walking among tombstones and scary Kevin Smith. It’s going to be a Rotten Week!

Watch Guardians of the Galaxy Online

Watch When the Game Stands Tall Online It was back in June that it was announced that The Avengers star Tom Hiddleston had been cast to play the lead in an upcoming biopic about famous country western singer Hank Williams. The film isn't actually heading into production until next month, but the actor recently decided to give an audience a sneak peek at what we can expect - and now you can watch it yourself thanks to the embed you'll find above.

Watch Sin City A Dame to Kill For Online

Watch Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles Online The performance (which comes to us thanks to YouTube user BJMallory)was an unnanounced event at Michigan’s Wheatland Music Festival, which is actually strangely far away from where the Hank Williams biopic, titled I Saw The Light, will be filming (the production is all set to go down in Louisiana). For those of you who don't recognize the tune, Hiddleston is singing Williams' hit "Move It On Over," which the singer-songerwriter first wrote and performed all the way back in 1947. While the video above doesn't feature Hiddleston singing the entire track, you can still compare it to the Williams studio recorded version below:

Watch The Expendables 3 Online

It’s tough to know how this flick will score with critics. We’ve got Sam Miller as director, a dude whose resume is primarily filled with television. Good television mind you, but television nonetheless. And the plot has been done a thousand times before: innocents trapped in a house with a crazy dude looking to kill them (but not right away). Having been down this path before I’d suspect the flick needs to get just about everything right because none of it will be treading any new ground.

I think critics fall a tad below the middle on this one, with Elba giving a strong performance but unable to overcome a somewhat tired plot. And don’t forget to learn from your movies folks. They can save your life.

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