Cooking for first time, need help with some recipes

Now that I won't be eating out of my school cafeteria, I'm trying to not fall into the trap of eating everything prepackaged or from a restaurant. I've cobbled together some recipes after looking online for inspiration. The reason I'm tending to use my own creations rather than simply copying other recipes I find is that I don't care for sauce or vegetables (other than garlic) in general. The vegetables that I've added to the recipes below are simply for added nutrition, they'll all simply be chopped and then boiled before being mixed in so as to minimize their flavor. Except garlic, which will generally be chopped and raw. With that in mind, I'm mainly looking to make sure that my proportions for ingredients make sense, and also very open to suggestions for seasonings. Right now I tend to just put basil on everything, but I'm looking to broaden my horizons. Rosemary? Oregano? Tarragon? Thyme? Paprika? These and other things are mysterious to me, but I'd love to learn about them! Also, I'm open to suggestions on what sort of cooking oil to use in all of these. A friend recommended poppyseed oil as their favorite for general use, would that be a good idea?

Lemon garlic salmon/halibut

Broil quarter pound fillet in skillet until done

Over low heat, brush 1 tablespoon lemon juice and 1 tablespoon oil, allow 2 minutes for it to sink in

Still over low heat, add finely chopped garlic and seasonings (teaspoon of basil and what else?)

Melt butter over fillet after seasoning complete

Brown rice with chicken and veggies

Cook 1.5 cups brown rice in unsalted water

Broil .5 cups of cut chicken breast

Boil .25 cups of kale, spinach, peas, carrots, broccoli, and green beans

Finely chop 2 cloves of garlic

Combine ingredients in wok, toss over low flame, adding 1 tablespoon soy sauce and .5 tablespoon of oil

Add seasonings (but what?)

Bacon, vegetable, and egg scramble

Scramble 2 eggs with 2 diced strips of bacon, a half cup of spinach, a diced potato (2.5" diameter), and a teaspoon each of salt, pepper, basil, and other seasonings?

As eggs finish, add 1 clove diced garlic

Gently toss with garlic in pan for 30 seconds, serve

Meat and veggie spaghetti

Boil 1.5 cups noodles

Cook .25 cup chicken and 2 strips of bacon

Boil .5 cups of broccoli and spinach

Over medium flame, toss ingredients, melt in pat of butter

Over low flame, add 2 cloves finely diced garlic, 2 tablespoons parmesan, 1 tablespoon oil, and seasonings

Thoughts? Be gentle. :oops:

Edit: I'd also love to integrate some sea vegetables into my diet somehow, just for some variety, but I have no experience with them.

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