In addition to featuring the faces of the four leads

In addition to featuring the faces of the four leads

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The Giver is set in a peaceful, colorless community where human suffering is at an all-time minimum.. All but the keeper of the community's memories (Bridges) are oblivious to the harsh reality of the past, which has been shielded from their awareness for generations. In the film, Jonas "begins to spend time with" the Giver and soon discovers the dark and deadly truths of his secret past.

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Looking at the poster above, which was found over on Comic Book Movie, you may notice that a lot of things about the image look familiar, but also distinctly different. Can't quite put your finger on it? Compare it to the American version of the same poster that was released last month:

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Just like pretty much all action films, comic book movies generally contain a certain amount of violence. Most of it is rather tame, as these features are made for mass appeal and typically shoot for a PG-13 rating, but punching, kicking and use of weapons are all par for the course. As demonstrated in multiple trailers and other marketing materials released over the last few months, James Gunn's Guardians of the Galaxy won't really be doing anything to break that mold, as both heroes and villains alike all take part in some kind of ass-kicking. But you wouldn't necessarily know that looking at the movie's most recent international poster, released for markets down in Latin America.

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The Weinstein Company released nine new photos, all of which focus on Jonas and his friend Fiona... The previously released trailer gives away quite a bit about the plot, but all signs point toward the movie taking some big liberties with the source material, likely in an effort to bring the story more toward the tone (and audience) of the more successful book-to-screen adaptations in recent years. Whether or not it works out for the better remains to be seen. In the meantime, the trailer indicates that Fiona will play more than just a peer and vague crush for Jonas, as she is in the book. The trailer shows Jonas leaning in for a kiss with Fiona, and this photo shows another lip-to-lip moment between the two characters This time, it looks like she's taking a more active role in the smooch, as she has one hand on his arm and the other behind his neck.

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In addition to featuring the faces of the four leads, the new poster shows off the promising cast of this adaptation. Along with Jeff Bridges, Meryl Streep, Brenton Thwaites and Odeya Rush, the cast also includes Alexander Skarsgard, Katie Holmes and Taylor Swift. Left off the poster, but certainly not off our radar, is Shameless's Cameron Monaghan, who plays Jonas' friend Asher.

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