The story first showed up this morning on Deadspin

Watch X Men Days of Future Past Online Speaking to everyone except the groom, Bill Murray quipped that while funerals are for the living, bachelor parties are for all of the guys not getting married. He then recommended all of the guys find the girl they think they’re meant to be with, then book an extended trip around the world to all sorts of strange and stressful places alongside the woman. If, when they get back to the airport they’re still in love with her, that, he thinks, is all the evidence they need she’s the right one.

Watch Godzilla 2014 Online And like that, he left! In retrospect, it’s the definition of the George Costanza end on a high note theory. Head into the room with a ton of energy, win the crowd over and then leave. For the rest of their lives, every single one of these people will go see every single thing he’s in. They’ll defend him vigorously to anyone who wasn’t there. In short, they’ll now go forth and spread the Bill Murray legacy.

Watch The Amazing Spider Man 2 Online A woman named Melissa Carlton who has been in a coma for two months gave birth to a healthy baby boy. Delivered via C-section, the little boy was named Nathaniel West. The baby, who weighed five pounds nine ounces at birth, was not expected to survive, nor the mother. Yet both are still alive and recovering. Since the birth, Carlton has responded to the baby with eye contact and is able to nurse with assistance.

Watch Neighbors Online The whole incident began when Carlton went in for surgery ten weeks ago. She was to have a benign tumor on her brain removed, but she had a seizure during the surgery. As a result, it damaged part of her brain and sent her into the coma. Melissa Carlton is on the road to recovery, however, and her new husband Brian has been nothing but supportive to the newest member of his family, as well as his recovering wife. The family of Carlton is very grateful for Brian and say they are very thankful for the way he has handled the situation... ”This is a story of joy and it's not lost on us that this is a story about Brian and his love...He has taken care of our daughter in a way that parents can only hope for, and that's a credit for Melissa because Melissa chose him."

Watch God's Not Dead Online Things have been looking up for the family as Melissa makes the slow road to recovery. CBS News is saying she touched her husband's face recently and hugged him for the first time since she’s gone into the coma. Medically, a coma means a period of unconsciousness lasting longer than six hours where the victim can best be described as “comatose”.This means when unconscious they cannot be woken up, nor will they respond to stimuli. They may also be prone to making involuntary actions.

Watch Divergent Online Can you imagine having a baby in a coma? Much credit to everyone involved who made something that sounded like a bad tabloid headline a real heartwarming event. In a situation where literally everything could have gone wrong, everything went right in the most impossible and best way imaginable.

Watch Captain America The Winter Soldier Online Hopefully, this video has been enough to tide you over. If not, HBO’s Game of Thrones will be back before you know it. Game of Thrones airs Sunday nights at 9 p.m. ET. Celebrity approval ratings aren’t tracked as rigorously or as accurately as those of politicians, but if they were, it’s hard to imagine many would score higher than Bill Murray. After appearing on Saturday Night Live and churning out a ton of brilliant, over-the-top comedies like Stripes and Ghostbusters, the actor has spent the past two decades redefining himself as an understated genius who gravitates toward quirky projects and randomly surprises members of the general public with impromptu moments of hilarity and wisdom. Take this past weekend as an example when the legendary comedian gave a baller speech at a bachelor party.

The story first showed up this morning on Deadspin. A random dude named EJ was inside a steakhouse in Charleston to celebrate his bachelor party alongside twenty of his friends. At some point, one of the dudes noticed Bill Murray was eating in a separate room. At first, they tried to send him drinks, which he politely turned down. Then, they asked him to come say a few words, which he politely turned down. Then, out of nowhere, he just showed up and gave the hilarious speech seen above.

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