We always take things too far

Watch Thor The Dark World Online For once, I’ll be very excited to see what Bay has to show. We know next to nothing about this sequel, as it’s a departure from the trilogy Bay helped launch back in 2007. No Shia LaBeouf. No Megan Fox. No John Turturro getting "urinated" on by an Autobot. Instead, Bay has Mark Wahlberg (of Pain & Gain) in his corner, leading up a story that might follow a teenage girl and a mechanic, who discover something that threatens the Transformer population.

Watch The Hunger Games 2 Online Like I said: Bay’s keeping this one close to the vest. Which I think is the right idea. After the bombast of Dark of the Moon, Bay needed to step back and reassess this franchise. That was a severely violent film, given that this franchise started as an action series adapted from a line of toys.

Watch Thor 2 Online We had a few months of prep time. It was definitely something, that was the focus of the research, I would say, just trying to understand what he’s carrying as he comes back, and that was eye-opening. It really was. It was pretty astonishing what’s, the degree to which these guys are shaken and how hard it is to reintegrate into society.

Watch The Hunger Games Catching Fire Online We always take things too far. That’s our number one collective personality trait as a society. We find some injustice or theme of unfair behavior and we overcorrect with such reckless abandon in an attempt to change it that we start making an issue out of everything that even vaguely applies. It’s why we’re so obsessed with hunting bullies down now, and it’s why some people apparently think talking about Wonder Woman’s height and body shape is the same thing as body shaming a nice woman for having a slender build. Spoiler alert: it’s not.

Watch Delivery Man Online I’m sure some of these people complaining about Gadot are sexists and weirdos and assholes and probably racists too, but an overwhelming majority of them just care. They desperately want the final product to be everything they hope it can be, and we shouldn’t be trying to stifle that fandom to try to prove a larger point about society that doesn’t even really apply here.

Watch The Book Thief Online Yesterday, Fast & Furious star Gal Gadot was cast as Wonder Woman. Her choice was met with raised eyebrows, angry message board comments, loud high fives and pretty much everything else in between. In the twenty-four hours or so since the announcement, the chatter hasn’t died down either. The reaction is just as polarized now as it was yesterday.

Is that something that you researched as well? How much prep time did you actually have to get into this role? Makes sense. Paramount has the fourth Transformers movie slotted into a June 27, 2014 release date. Major studios typically use the Super Bowl as a platform for their upcoming summer blockbusters. And you can bet Bay’s crowd will be dialed in to the big game. Hitting them with the first Age of Extinction teaser seems only natural.

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