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Watch Frozen Online DICE tried to soothe players at the end of November by announcing adouble XP week and a free pistol scope. However, someone crunched the numbers and realized that zero XP doubled is still zero. Free multiplayer perks don't mean much if you can't actually play the game. The statement sent to PC Gamer was also emailed to IGN and Polygon. It seems that EA now comprehends how big of a problem they have on their hands and they're in full damage control mode. I hope that their PR efforts are backed up by some swift patching. DICE has to demonstrate that they can make the game playable if they're going to convince us to pony up cash for five expansion packs.

Watch The Best Man Holiday Online It was an embarrassment of riches, and it was daunting, and all things I didn’t write, and this particular project originated with another script that I thought was well written, but I didn’t want to direct, and Misters DiCaprio and Scott, Ridley Scott said to me, why don’t you just tell, have carte blanche with the script, and tell a story that just surrounds a man who gets out of prison and the loss of his brother and I thought, I can do that, but I have to personalize it, and then through great pain and hardship, do you bring your personal life to a story that well was represented by what you saw yesterday. So, but you know, it’s certainly a very original piece but one that’s personal and any time you put out a very personal story, it’s very harrowing to see it’s reception. Fortunately, I don’t read film criticism because I’m sure, movies like this are divisive, but it feels very good to express myself in this way.

Watch Homefront Online And what was it about the original script that you didn’t necessarily connect with? While movies like Transformers: Revenge of the Fallen will undoubtedly live on forever in more formats that I can imagine, a huge chunk of cinema’s earliest masterpieces are forever lost, and the damage is probably worse than you think. The Library of Congress has released a study authored by archivist and film historian David Pierce that revealed only around 14% of the 10,919 U.S.-produced silent films still exist in their original 35mm format, while another 11% have lived on in lesser formats or in foreign versions. Three-quarters of a modern artform’s entire output, lost after the artform itself became mostly obsolete.

Watch Delivery Man Online Multiple goals were tied into this study. One, of course, was to catalog the individual surviving films and where they are in the world right now into an easy-to-use database. The second purpose, the success of which we will be able to tell in time, is a call to arms to international collectors to build a collaborative network that would allow silent films to be repatriated before the number of lost films increases. That seems a bit ballsy for a hypothetical intention, considering the U.S. released a large number of the films that remain intact, but the handful of other suggestions the study mentions have much likelier outcomes.

Watch One Direction This is Us Online Taking another tact, the study suggests studios and rights holders should work together to attain master prints of certain unique movies. Noting the unexplored reserve of 432 16mm silent films, the study advises U.S. archives and collectors to identify and jot down all of the remaining relics that only survive in small-gauge formats. Public and scholarly communities are also encouraged to offer up their private collections to be identified, which would probably be where the most interesting artifacts would come from. Surely somebody out there has a barrel or two full of burlesque and snuff that no more than three people have ever laid eyes on.

Watch 12 Years A Slave Online Most of the actors in the movie doesn't have any video game adaptation experience, but that soon won't be the case for Cooper. Early the next year the star will be featured as the main villain opposite Aaron Paul in Scott Waugh's Need For Speed. You can catch him in the trailer for the movie that launched last month.

Watch Carrie Online The rest of the cast has hardly been taking it easy lately and will have to carve out time in their schedules for Warcraft. Foster, who will soon be seen in Peter Berg's dramatic war film Lone Survivor, is currently hard at work filming Stephen Frear's untitled Lance Armstrong biopic; Kebbell, who was most recently in The Counselor, has Dawn of the Planet of the Apes coming out next year; and Kazinsky currently plays a recurring role on HBO's True Blood.

Watch The Conjuring Online Jones is an excellent filmmaker who has been talking a big game when it comes to Warcraft, but one has to wonder if the film will actually be able to succeed with the video game adaptation stigma. The director has certainly started assembling a cast that could help him reach that goal.

The film was announced back at San Diego Comic-Con this past summer and was introduced with a "tonal trailer" that gave audiences the sense of what the film will be like (you can read more about it HERE). Jones, who scripted both of his previous films - Moon and Source Code - is co-writing the movie with Charles Leavitt, whose previous credits include Blood Diamond, K-PAX, as well as the upcoming Jeff Bridges fantasy Seventh Son.

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