Film alongside Liz Hurley

Film alongside Liz Hurley

Watch Captain Phillips Online Conrad mentions that Activision's review embargo on Call of Duty: Ghosts lifts on November 5th, but according to several journalists, Microsoft has mandated a separate embargo that is in place until November 12th, in an attempt to quell negative chatter over the fact that multiple sources and journalists have claimed that the Xbox One rendition of Call of Duty: Ghosts cannot run at native 1080p like the PS4 version and is instead native 720p at 60 frames per second.

Watch The Counselor Online DuMont has been extremely busy lately. In addition to his regular TV work – in addition to Treme, he has guest spots and recurring appearances on ABC’s Nashville and FX’s American Horror Story: Coven -- the character actor logged roles in both Lee Daniels’ The Butler and Dallas Buyers Club this year. In the former, DuMont appears as Sherman Adams, who was the White House Chief of Staff for President Dwight D. Eisenhower, and in the latter he had a brief but memorably devastating scene as Jared Leto’s disappointed father.

Watch Carrie Online The Help director Tate Taylor will helm Get On Up, with 42 star Chadwick Boseman in the lead role as James Brown. As was previously rumored, Taylor will also be bringing along two of his Help stars for the picture, as both Viola Davis and Octavia Spencer are signed on for roles. Truthfully, I would have asked Eddie Murphy to star, but I’m old school.

Watch Escape Plan Online Musician biopics are a dangerous game. When handled properly, you can ride the coattails of a Ray or Walk the Line. But for every success story, there’s the example of Dennis Quaid as Jerry Lee Lewis in Great Balls of Fire just waiting around the corner. Taylor seems like an unexpected choice to helm a Brown biopic, but he’s assembling a choice cast to help him tell the singer’s story. Universal will release the film next year on October 17th, and in the meantime, you can enjoy more clips of Brown in action below… and puzzle over whom Corporal Dooley will be in the finished story.

Watch Bad Grandpa Online What you're about to read is the first entry into Cinema Blend's new weekly series in which we answer the random movie-related grey area questions you've always wondered about. This week, we're tackling how not to be a complete {omitted}{omitted}{omitted}{omitted} when you go to the cinema. How Many Seats Is It Okay To Save At The Movies? At some point or another, we’ve all made our way into a crowded movie theater, spotted a handful of empty beauties about halfway up the back portion and excitedly rushed toward them, only to hear, "These are taken." It’s a frustrating cockblock on the same level as stubbing your toe or overhearing something mildly offensive when walking into a room. Depending on the situation, it could also be a serious faux pas on the seat saver because while there aren’t firm rules on the subject, there are common sense ones the best among us follow.

Watch The Counselor Online The number of seats one can properly save at the movie theater is entirely related to the number of people in your party who are already present at the time you wish to do the saving. So, let’s do a little math. If you’re at the theater with your brother Darryl and your other brother Darryl, you can collectively save four seats. If you’re at the theater with your crazy cousin Shoshanna, the two of you can save three seats. Just count the number of people you’re with and add one to that number. Why? Because you cannot save any seat your ass does not butt up next to.

Watch Gravity Online It was Matthew Perry. So, the next time you’re at the movie theater and you see some girl with her purse on one seat, her wallet on another seat and her coat on a third seat, feel free to mean mug the {omitted}{omitted}{omitted}{omitted} out of her. Work that evil eye really hard in her direction or better yet, just flat out tell her she’s violating the +1 rule. Or God forbid, if you saunter into a theater and see one of your friends zealously guarding a pack of premium ass spaces without any help, be sure to tell him to tone down the {omitted}{omitted}{omitted}{omitted}-ness moving forward. You don't want to be associated with that.

Watch One Direction This is Us Online James DuMont, one of the players on HBO’s hit New Orleans-based drama Treme, has joined the cast of the developing James Brown biopic Get On Up. The Wrap reports that the actor will play "a U.S. envoy named Corporal Dooley." At this time we have no idea what the size of the role will be, but he must consider it a demotion considering that he plays a captain on the HBO series.

Watch Cloudy with a Chance of Meatballs 2 Online McAdams remains constantly busy, with Brian De Palma’s thriller Passion also expected to hit theaters this year. She’s currently filming the untitled Cameron Crowe magical rom-com, as well as Wim Winders troubling drama Every Thing Will Be Fine. She’s also voicing a role in Mark Osborne’s upcoming adaptation of the classic children’s novel The Little Prince, and stars opposite Philip Seymour Hoffman in Anton Corbijn’s thriller A Most Wanted Man, which is expected to come out next year.

Let me hit you with this handy graphic I just made with my sweet Photoshop skills… I know you’d like to save more seats than that. I know you’d like to play dead alongside two of your buddies in plank position across a cushy row about three quarters of the way up so nine of your friends can stroll in one minute before the film’s runtime to mooch off the hard work you did by showing up way the {omitted}{omitted}{omitted}{omitted} early, but if half of your party can’t bother to stroll in early enough to camp out in a proper location, you guys needs to be a) split up, b) forced to sit in the front row or c) required to give a lengthy speech to everyone in the audience about why leaving twenty minutes later than you did was a necessity because of the crazy important {omitted}{omitted}{omitted}{omitted} you were all doing. After all, I think I speak for every last human being on Earth when I say all of us who aren’t weirdos would rather spend an extra fifteen minutes in the comfort of our own homes when the other option is staring at advertisements for local dentists and answering bad trivia questions about which one of our favorite Friends starred in a 2002 film alongside Liz Hurley.

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